Monday, May 27, 2019

Why I speak mostly against Islam?

One of the frequently asked questions the ex-Muslims of Bangladesh gets is – if we are atheists, why do we choose to speak against one particular religion, namely Islam, and rarely talk about other religions. They accuse us being Islamophobic and also claim that we are not true atheists because we only speak against Islam. I will try to address their concern in this article.

Long story in short, the reason I choose to speak against Islam mostly is because I am surrounded by Muslims. All my life, I have been a practicing Muslim. On top of that, my whole family is still a group of practicing Muslims. Their ideology, Islam, affects me in all shapes and forms. Not only that, the society I live in is filled with people, most of whom claim to be Muslims.

It is quite difficult for indoctrinated people like Muslims to accept an ex-Muslim, let alone an atheist, in the community. So, I want to normalize atheism in this community. I want people to realize that atheists do exist and it is okay to be an atheist. I cannot do that unless I tell them again and again why I left Islam in the first place; what the flaws are in their ideology. It is not a personal attack against them, it is a criticism of their belief system.