Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Argumentative Essay: We learn more outside than in schools

Here is an example of argumentative essay where I speak against the given topic. 
The topic is: We learn more at school than outside – Do you agree? Why?

Educational institutions pose as a great place to gather and disperse knowledge but they are not enough. A student who belongs to an educational institution, namely school, attends the classes to learn undoubtedly. However, when it comes to practicality, bookish knowledge is not self-sufficient. A person has to venture beyond the realms of pages in order to gather a more fruitful lesson. We learn more from the outside than schools mainly because schools are stricter, has certain unnecessary boundaries and presence of authoritative figure which can be intimidating.

Schools are definitely an important source of knowledge but the mere existence of strict rules within the premise can disrupt that process of learning. There is a high chance that the student may get lost in all those rules and regulations and lose the primary focus which is getting proper education. When the schools add trivial policies like trimming hair up to a certain length for boys or compulsory braids for girls – which has nothing to do with the intake of knowledge or discipline – they instill unnecessary anxiety within the learners. This deviates them from actually focusing on the education. All these rules take away the fun of gathering knowledge.