Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Argumentative Essay: We learn more outside than in schools

Here is an example of argumentative essay where I speak against the given topic. 
The topic is: We learn more at school than outside – Do you agree? Why?

Educational institutions pose as a great place to gather and disperse knowledge but they are not enough. A student who belongs to an educational institution, namely school, attends the classes to learn undoubtedly. However, when it comes to practicality, bookish knowledge is not self-sufficient. A person has to venture beyond the realms of pages in order to gather a more fruitful lesson. We learn more from the outside than schools mainly because schools are stricter, has certain unnecessary boundaries and presence of authoritative figure which can be intimidating.

Schools are definitely an important source of knowledge but the mere existence of strict rules within the premise can disrupt that process of learning. There is a high chance that the student may get lost in all those rules and regulations and lose the primary focus which is getting proper education. When the schools add trivial policies like trimming hair up to a certain length for boys or compulsory braids for girls – which has nothing to do with the intake of knowledge or discipline – they instill unnecessary anxiety within the learners. This deviates them from actually focusing on the education. All these rules take away the fun of gathering knowledge.

Schools set a limitation on interaction. Within the school area, the student has to follow rigid guidelines that directs how a student has to interact with each other. It is an important part of discipline no doubt, but in reality, the schools of this country are irrelevantly strict. The schools are generally rigid when it comes to the interaction between the students of opposite genders. For the existence of this kind of boundaries, sharing and propagating ideas become tough. Outside of the school, students do not have to follow all these extra set of rules and hence, interact openly. This eliminates those boundaries, generates curiosity and helps to share knowledge with each other.
Learning is quite dependent on the student-teacher relationship. Since the teachers are the bridge between the student and their textbooks, it is very important that the teacher is welcoming enough. But often times, it has been observed that students feel intimidated by the teachers no matter how friendly they are. This is not exactly the fault of either the student or the teacher; rather, it is the fault of the ageism that exists in our society. Nevertheless, schools are part of the society and this kind of mentality hampers knowledge accumulation. The student begins to see their teacher as an unquestionable authoritative figure. This is another reason why the students feel more comfortable with their peers outside of the school and this helps in the overall learning process.
Experience shows that learning is more effective with peers in group studies than inside the formal setting of the classroom. Schools have very limited time and rigid regulations which may interrupt one’s path to gather knowledge. No such problems are found in the friend circles and in those groups, no one acts as an intimidating authority figure. Everyone is more or less equal. Hence, learning becomes much more effective and enjoyable. Schools should either decrease their lesson time or arrange lesson plans in such a way which will help the students spend more time with their peers for the proper intake of education.      

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