Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Reminiscence: Play with only a single character

[The stage is dark with huge black curtains. A fake ball of light is on the left side of the stage, acting as a full moon. A fake road is to be drawn on the stage with a fenced wall on the left acting as the graveyard. There will be single streetlight at the middle of the stage in the background. The lightings on the stage should be dim to create an eerie night-time vibe. The protagonist is supposed to walk slowly from the right to the left towards the fenced wall. After entering the stage, he stops and speaks.]

Protagonist: I finally decided to meet her. It’s been two years since I last saw her. Her face had been pale and weak, guilt steaking all over it. I was angry. I did not even like to look at her. How could she do it? After all these years being together, after going through all the will and woe. Did I love her less? Did she love me less? What went wrong? Everything was going well. What happened suddenly?

[The protagonist looks at the moon and acts scared and confused.]

Protagonist: I should not have smoked the last one, especially since it was the mint flavored one. Mint always made me dizzy.

[At this point, two loud dogs will be heard barking at each other in the background. The protagonist will acknowledge it but will not react to it. He will walk a few steps forward.]

Protagonist: Does she miss me? Does she miss how she always waited for me at the dinner table? Does she miss listening to my worthless little stories which used to be worthwhile for me? Tonight, I might find out. But here’s a secret though. [Protagonist will look directly at the audience] I never told anyone about it. I miss her. Very much.

[The streetlight flickers. The harsh voice of a drunk singing man is heard in the background, slowly fading away. The protagonist still does not react and talks to the audience.]

Protagonist: I never went as far as drinking. My friends had said, “Take a sip. It works wonders.” I did take a sip. Yes, it was wonderfully nasty.

[Protagonist takes a couple more steps towards the fence.]

Protagonist: I was almost there. I could clearly see the iron fence. Should I proceed? Midnight is not really a very polite time. Her neighbors might frown upon her if they see me at this time. Well, who cared about them? I should probably get it done before the mint continued to play tricks on me. I may not be so courageous later.

[He finally reaches the fence and takes a deep breath and speaks with a shaky voice, looking at the fence.]

Protagonist: The doctor told me that I need therapy. So, here I am.

[The stage turns dark. But a beam of light focuses inside the fence on a tombstone prop, implying that the person the Protagonist was talking about was dead.]

The End

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