Monday, September 18, 2017

BTS Releases DNA And We Are Shook For The Wrong Reasons

I am probably one those very few percentages of ARMY who actually did not like the latest comeback by BTS and yes, I am ready to be hated by the fandom.

On 18th of September, Monday, BTS, an acronym for Bangtan Sonyeondan, releases the newest comeback – the most awaited DNA. Fans have been anticipating its release right from the moment BigHit announced about BTS’s comeback. We all know how enormous the fandom is, so the hype was all-over the internet. Being an avid ARMY myself, I was waiting eagerly to listen to their new song as well, because all their previous songs were already played a million times on my phone.

However, I just listened to DNA and to be very honest, I did not like it and I am very sure why. I guess the genre they are using this time is just not for me. That, along with all the synthesizers, auto-tune, weird beats, is just a no-no for me. Plus, their dance in this music also seemed forced. It felt like they incorporated all the tough moves to make up for the disappointing music. I know, dancing is their specialty but I feel like they should have put a bit more effort in their music owing to the fact that they are now highly acclaimed international artists.

Don’t get me wrong. I know, based on how huge their fandom is, there will be a good number of people enjoying it just for the beat. Also, many people will enjoy this music or pretend to enjoy just because they are the kings – BTS. But for me, the fact that it’s a song by BTS is just not enough. I cannot bring myself to like their music just because of their brand name.

No personal hate against the boys though. I love them dearly, especially because their music and charisma helped me when I was at the rock bottom. They basically cured me of my depressed state. But this new particular music is just not for me. And I’m pretty sure that I’m not alone in this judgement. Most people are either too afraid to criticize them (ehem, the fandom) or will like to keep their mouth shut in order to avoid unnecessary arguments.

Okay, now that I have butchered the song with my criticism, let’s talk about what I actually liked about the comeback. Apart from the music, everything. In fact, this music video, accompanying the song, might be my most favorite video by them so far. I love the blend of colors, the transitions, the setting – everything. And even though their choreography is meh for the music, it blends in perfectly with the atmosphere of the setting. Moreover, the style they chose for this comeback is as always flawless. Overall, the video stayed true to the lyrics of the song.

I hope ARMYs read this article thoroughly before jumping on me. Everyone has different taste in music and none of them is more refined than the other. And if you think that way, sorry, you are wrong. I love everything about BTS, but this new comeback, I feel like, did not do justice to them as an inspirational group of artists.

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