Monday, September 18, 2017

My Top 10 Favorite BTS songs

In honor of their latest comeback – DNA – I thought that it is a very appropriate time to share my top favorite songs done by this amazing group of individuals – BTS – Bangtan Sonyeondan. Their newest comeback, the title track DNA of their new mini album – Love Yourself: HER – talks about love being in the core of their bodies.

As I have mentioned earlier, BTS is my all-time favorite Kpop group and I’m a hardcore ARMY. I love the boys both on stage and off it. I love how real they on the camera and how likable their personality is. Each of them is unique in their own and so very different but their differences complement each other so perfectly, it’s basically divine.

Before I present the list, let me tell you that I avoided including their individual performances as well as mini-group performances. That means, you will not see any Cypher songs or solos in this list. I have only included their original song done as a group of seven people.

So, without further ado, let’s get countdown my top 10 favorite songs by BTS.

10. We are Bulletproof 2

I really love both of the “We are Bulletproof” songs probably because Rap is my favorite genre in music. And this song is just so hardcore and represents the boys’ concept so nicely. I also liked it’s choreography. It was enjoyable to watch.

9. Blood, sweat and tears

I know most of you are shocked to see this one near the bottom of the list but hey, it made it to the list! I enjoy listening to BST but BTS has delivered some other really cool songs which, completely in my opinion, deserves more love and attention.

8. N.O.

This song is pretty old. One of their first batch of songs. But I am a new ARMY and I listened to it recently. It’s a great song with a deep meaningful message along with a catchy beat. Hence, one of my most favorite BTS songs of all time.

7. We are Bulletproof 1

In honor of their group name, Bangtan Sonyeondan meaning Bulletproof Boys (everyone thought that it’s a weird name in the beginning) they made a song to explain why they are bulletproof. I am totally in love with its lyrics and the upbeat tune of this song. Fits perfectly well with their HipHop concept and the rap-parts are absolutely delicious to the ears.

6. No more Dreams

When the idea of creating a list like this came to mind, I knew I must include this song. This is debut song by BTS and in my opinion, it’s one of the most powerful debuts in the history of Kpop. This song along is enough to turn haters into hardcore ARMYs. The lyrics of this song also summarizes what to expect from this group in their future comebacks.

5. Run

This song along with “I need you” are responsible for me to join this amazing fandom and make BTS my bias group. When I first listened to it, the beat and the music seemed so unique and out-of-this-world that I felt compelled to explore more. It was different from their usual HipHop concept but it also gives the listeners a kind of nostalgic feel. I felt like this song was the true representation of Kpop because it was so different from the songs I used to listen. Well, you must be wondering, if I like this song so much, why it’s on number 6. Because, BTS has produced some other amazing songs that I liked far better. But, “Run” will always hold a special place in my heart.

4. Save me

I love this song from their album WINGS because of its catchy beat, the choreography and the style its music video was shot. Not to mention, the set used for this MV – the backdrop of a vast flatland on a rainy afternoon – was just a cherry on top for the whole MV, which enhanced the music for me.

3. Let me know

I listened to and loved this song before I learnt that it Suga who produced it and after discovering so, I just had to love it more because Min Yoongi aka Suga is my bias in BTS. This song is so well-made and the tune is so melodious. But my most favorite part of the song is when Rapmon sings in the end. That part is just wonderfully shocking.

2. I need you

This song is the main reason I became an ARMY. When I first listened to it, I had all these unexplainable feelings. It brought chills in my spine. That along with the beautiful choreography is the reason I Jimin-ed but cannot Jim-out.

1. Baepsae

If you are wondering why it’s my favorite BTS song of all time, did you even listen to it? The music is so catchy and this song is right up my alley. I didn’t like it when I first heard it, but after repeating it a few times, I was blown away. This is the chill upbeat song that is bound make people dance in any party and lift everyone’s mood.

So, did you like this list? Let me know your favorite BTS songs. Don’t be mad if I missed any. It’s just my favorite song. It’s just logical that yours will differ from mine.

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