Sunday, September 3, 2017

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo and My Aching Heart

I never knew a story about time travelling can be so exciting and at the same time, so heartbreaking. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (what the title means, I have no idea but it does sound a very romantic) is the very first and so far, the only Kdrama I ever watched and it shattered my heart to pieces. I don’t remember alternating between crying and laughing during each episode of the same serial. In fact, I was so hooked into the plot that I finished all the twenty episodes each an hour long in the span of six days. So, I won’t go into the plot details since you can find it on Wikipedia and other sites, but, I will tell you why you must watch it.

First of all, if you like romantic and historical fiction, this is right up your alley. It has the most classic blend of heart-warming romance, tad bit of sci-fi, historical setting and stimulating drama…a lot of it. In fact, the series has some of the most impelling plot twists ever (which I won’t give away and you should look it up). Basically the story is about a young girl (played by Kpop singer IU) who’s going some life crisis when due to a splash of fate, she happened to go 500 years back in time and finds herself in the body of another girl who looks exactly like her called Hae Soo. She may be stuck in a new body but her mind is totally in present time. Her lack of knowledge about her current time period and the familiarity of her face ensues a lot of drama, especially when she gets herself involved with the royal family.

The first few episodes of this wonderful drama lets the viewers get familiar with the world and direction of the story which is very light-hearted, amusing and full of laughter-inducing moments; especially the scene where IU and Baekhyun (actors playing roles in the drama) has this little “debate”. These episodes also depict the main character Hae Soo slowly falling in love, growing up into a mature thoughtful woman from a childish playful little girl all the while keeping the fun alive. But as the series progresses, the viewers are given the real picture of the trouble Hae Soo has gotten herself into.

Why I like this series:
If you have read this far and my description of the drama did not peak your interest, then let me tell you the reasons why this drama stood out to me. Firstly, I am not really into drama, especially the romance ones. So, when I first started to watch it, I guessed it will be typical and predictable. But, nope! I was wrong.

Yes, I agree, this drama does have some eye-rolling moments, typical main character sacrificing herself and all, but there are a few points which made it seem different from the others. For example, the romance. Yes, Moon Lovers has one of the most refreshing romance plots I have ever watched. In fact, it’s not only the main characters’ love affair that will enchant you but also the supporting characters’. Before you know, you will rooting for the supporting couples as well.

The series also shows the duality of a mother’s nature. Normally, mothers in drama are shown as the wise old person or pretty much non-existent supporting figure. But in this drama, the mother is both the hero and the villain (I won’t disclose how). The Mother of the main character’s love interest is quite a diverse character and even though she is supposed to be the evil one, you cannot help yourself from sympathizing with her situation. And if this still does not interest you, then you should simply watch it for huge cast of sexy South Korean men featured into it.

I guess I should end it here before I give away spoilers. Let me know what you think of it. I very much recommend this series. Trust me, it will be time worth spending.

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